Vinod Mehta is one of the Editors whom I find largely unpretentious.
I was reading the second part of his autobiography called Editor Unplugged and came across one chapter titled What I would do Differently. The title
jolted me to sit back and think – yes, given a chance what would I do
Mehta writes that he finds “people who boast they have no
regrets in life”, people who would do nothing differently given a chance to
live their life all again, rather ‘phoney’ and ‘hypocritical’. I could not agree
less. Life is actually a trial and error experiment – one occasionally makes a
wrong move and ought to learn from the mistakes. And, one should be ready and
candid enough to live life differently, if at all given a chance.
I would turn forty-eight next May, and I think forty-seven
is good enough an age to think and write what would I do differently given a
chance to live life all over again. There are regrets, and realization of
mistakes; there are heartburn and occasional taming of ego. But life, as it is,
been generous in all its ups and downs.
So, what would I do differently given a chance? The first in
my agenda would be not to take life too seriously by not trying to be a
perfectionist. I do not remember who imbibed in me the need to constantly try
to improve until perfection. It must be somebody from my childhood. Whoever it
was, I realize, he or she was wrong. You need to aim at the sun so that your
arrow flies high, but the world it not going to tumble if you do not hit the